금일 결제가 진행되는 과정에서 11명이 나가고 13명이 계정 정보를 허위기재하거나 결제를 거부했습니다. 오전까지만 해도 600달러였는데 반나절만에 525달러로 줄어들었네요.
공지에서도 말했듯이 저희 패트론은 제작과정에 활력을 불어넣고자 개설되었으며, 이런식의 낚시는 저희 팀원들의 사기를 크게 저하시킵니다.
현재 후원자 한정 알파 버전은 닫아놓은 상태이며 제작과 동시에 공개하고 있습니다. 후원여부와 상관없이 받을 수 있기때문에 이런식의 트롤링은 정중히 사양하고 싶습니다.
순수한 목적의 후원을 다시한번 부탁드리며 패트리온에는 팔로우 기능이 있는 것을 잊지 말아주세요.
In today's payment process, 11 people went out and 4 people were fraud account or refused payment. It was $ 600 in the morning, now it's reduced to $ 525 in a half day.
As we mentioned in the main post, the goal of this Patreon is to give ourselves more energy for modding.
And this kinda trolling could greatly demoralize our team-mates.
However, we're releasing our mods without Alpha testing - which was promised for supporters upper than 5$. So sponsorship is totally not compulsory.
Please remind that we want nothing but "real Patron" and please don't forget that Patreon has Follwing function.
댓글 4
감쟈함미당ㅠㅠ I → we, my → our 정도로만 수정하고 올렸습니다!
사이트 관리자 및 팀의 리더는 리젠봇님이기에 우리라는 표현이 아닌 I나 my가 올바라요~ 영어에선 우리가 생각하는 '우리' 라는 표현이 존재하지 않아요.
My team - 마이 팀이라구 해야해요. 아워 팀하면 팀이 여러 분야에 소속되어있는 건가하는 뜻이 되어버려요. 또는 서포터들의 팀메이트라는 표현조차 되어버려요. decided to publish all of our work - 아워 워크라고 해야해요 여기선 개인의 작품이 아니기 때문에
제가 괜한짓을 햇내오;; 수정하갯슴미당ㅠ
According to this monthly payment process, Is is revealed that approximately 11 people are out and 4 had fraud accounts.
This month's pledge was about 600$ if I recall correctly, now it fell straight down to 525$ just in a day.
Honestly, I don't understand why this is happening, especially about the fraud accounts, as Technically there is no benefit in it.
My team decided to publish all of our work as soon as they are completed for you supporters' own sake. No early-access, no alpha-testing version, etc..
As we mentioned on the main post, the goal of this Patreon is to support us and eventually make us more focusing on the very task, which was and will not be easy of course.
I felt like this was kind of trolling or say fishing, which could vastly let down my team-mates. And I don't want that.
Please make sure that you are supporting my team not for something particular and remind that we want nothing but "sincere supports".